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Dog Cancer

Dog Cancer Resources

This page is intended to be a starting point for you if interested in finding specific dog cancer information or dog cancer treatments.

The sad truth is that dog cancer affects 1 in 4 canines and is more common than cancer in cats or humans.  It is especially common in older dogs and can affect up to 50% of all dogs over the age of 10 years old.

In this article, we hope to cover general information regarding dog cancer symptoms, types, and treatments.  Each subject will have links to additional articles which may provide further, more in-depth information.

Dog Cancer

Dog Cancer Symptoms

Sometimes the symptoms of cancer can be staring your right in the face, but if you don’t know what warning signs to look out for they can be easily missed.  Early detection of cancer is critical for any cancer treatment to be successful.

A basic list of symptoms are listed here:

  1. Swollen lymph nodes
  2. An enlarging or changing lump
  3. Abdominal distension
  4. Loss of Appetite
  5. Abnormal weight loss
  6. Chronic vomiting or diarrhea
  7. Unexplained bleeding
  8. Lameness
  9. Straining to urinate
  10. Oral odor
A more detailed discussion can be found on the article: Dog Cancer Symptoms

Dog Cancer Types

The number of different cancers that affect dogs are too numerous to list here.  The most common forms of dog cancer are:

  • Canine Lymphoma: affects the lymph nodes which are located through the dog’s body.
  • Skin Cancer: the most common tumor found on dogs but can be treated successfully if caught early.
  • Mammary Gland Tumors (Breast Cancer): painless lumps or masses, usually located close to the groin.
  • Soft Tissue Sarcomas: malignant tumors that arise from various sources, including connective tissue, fat, blood vessels, nerve sheaths, and muscle cells.
  • Bone Cancer: more prevalent in certain breads, and most commonly found in the long bones (but may occur elsewhere).
Some scary dog cancer statistics show dogs are:
  • twice as likely to develop leukemia than us
  • four times more likely to develop breast cancer than us
  • eight times more likely to develop bone cancer than us
  • thirty-five times more likely to develop skin cancer than us!
This topic will be discussed in greater detail in future articles.  Please check back.

After Dog Cancer Diagnosis

A diagnosis of cancer is not an end, but a beginning.  When a definite diagnosis has been received from your veterinarian and/or a board certified veterinary oncologist, the next step is to fight and hopefully overcome the disease.  When caught in it’s early stages, dog cancer are quite often treated and overcome.

There are several cancer treatment options available, each with their own positive and negative elements.  For most people, cost is one of the biggest issues to overcome when considering what steps will be taken to help their dog fight cancer.  Some forms of treatments can cost thousands (or tens of thousands) of dollars, whereas others can be purchased for under $100.

Please note: Cheaper doesn’t mean “reduced odds.”  Products such as DCA (sodium dichloroacetate) are much cheaper and have been very effective in fighting cancers in cats, dogs and humans.  One of the biggest features of using DCA is it is not as destructive as many other forms of cancer treatments.  DCA only affects cancer cells and leaves health cells intact.

Visit our Pet DCA Store for dog cancer treatment products.

This topic will be discussed in greater detail in future articles.  Please check back.

Dog Cancer Conclusion

Early diagnosis is the key to a successful recovery.  If you suspect that your dog may have cancer, visit your veterinarian as soon as possible.  If your dog is diagnosed with cancer, be sure to ask about ALL your options, including DCA.

Dog cancer doesn’t have to be the end of a life, but the beginning of a fight.  We understand the fear and panic you may be experiencing, mostly because we have experienced the same thing at least once in our lives.  We’re also very sorry.  If you have any questions, please feel free to Contact Us.

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